
Account Balance

Account balances containing only mutual fund positions are calculated and updated using the prior business day's closing price for the applicable securities. Mutual fund distributions and capital gains can affect your account value and typically have a 1-3 business day settlement period before your account is updated. Pending transactions may not be reflected in this amount.

My Portfolio

This information is provided as a convenience and is not a substitute for your Plan account statement, nor is it intended for trading purposes. Please consult your account statement for information regarding your account balance, positions and transactions. Balances and amounts expressed as percentages many not be exact due to rounding.


The performance data quoted represents past performance of a specific fund and does not guarantee future results. The investment return and principal value of an investment will fluctuate; thus an investor's shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Current performance may be lower or higher than return data quoted herein.

Standardized Returns assume reinvestment of dividends and capital gains. They depict performance without adjusting for the effects of taxation or time-weighed cash flow, but are adjusted to reflect sales charges and ongoing fund expenses. If adjusted for taxation, the performance quoted would be reduced. Standardized Return is calculated and updated as soon as administratively feasible through the most recent calendar-month end for one-month, three-month, year-to-date, one-year, three-year, five-year, and 10-year periods, and it demonstrates the impact of sales charges (if applicable) and ongoing fund expenses. Standardized Return reflects the return an investor may have experience if the security was purchased at the beginning of the period and sold at the end, incurring transaction charges. Pay close attention to the applicable time period for comparative purposes.

Principal value and investment return will fluctuate, so that an investor's shares, when sold, may be worth more or less than the original investment. Fund portfolio statistics change over time. Funds are not FDIC-insured, may lose value, and are not guaranteed by a bank or other financial institution.

Total Return reflects performance without adjusting for sales charges (if applicable) or the effects of taxation, but it is adjusted to reflect all actual ongoing security expenses and assumes reinvestment of dividends and capital gains. It is the return an investor would have experienced if the fund was held throughout the period. If adjusted for sales charges and the effects of taxation, the performance quoted would be reduced.

Track Retirement

Track Retirement provides a supplemental tool to help assist participants when making savings decisions generally believed to affect retirement planning and financial wellness. The program is provided as a convenience and is not a substitute for speaking to a tax adviser or financial professional.

Recent Activity

Recent Activity includes various adjustments within the Plan account, which may include interest, dividends, contribution and password changes, etc. The summary should be used as a supplement to full transaction history and may not include all transactions within a Plan account.

Personal Rate of Return

Personal Rate of Return is calculated using a time-weighted formula, commonly used by financial professionals and the investment management industry. This method factors in the relative dollar-weighted cash flow to measure the rate of return for a portfolio. There are other methods to calculate a portfolio rate of return, so alternate formulas may yield different results. As a reminder, past performance is no guarantee of future results.


Participants elect how contributions are invested among the Plan's investment funds. In general, contributions purchase shares in the investment funds available under the Plan at their net asset value ("NAV") per share. This investment normally occurs using the NAV for each investment fund determined as of 4:00 PM Eastern Time or the close of the New York Stock Exchange ("NYSE"), whichever is earlier. No participant-initiated transactions of any kind will be processed on a day that the NYSE is closed.

In an effort to curb excessive trading in investor accounts, the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") implemented Rule 22c-2. Consequently, as of January 1st of each year the Plan restricts participants to completing 11 transfers within two consecutive calendar quarters of the same year, or up to 20 transfers within a calendar year, whichever comes first. If the trading threshold is reached, additional transfers must be requested in writing.

Proxy Voting

The right to vote proxies is expressly reserved for the Plan Sponsor, Plan's trustees, or other Plan fiduciary. All proxy materials will be sent directly to the Plan Sponsor, and the Plan Sponsor is solely responsible for all proxy voting decisions.

Glossary of Investment Terms

Please review the Glossary of Investment Terms To help better understand the terminology related to the Plan and available investment options.

Some information on this site are obtained from Third Parties and the information cannot be guaranteed to be accurate.

To help achieve long-term retirement security, you should give careful consideration to the benefits of a well-balanced and diversified investment portfolio. Spreading your assets among different types of investments can help you achieve a favorable rate of return, while minimizing your overall risk of losing money. This is because market or other economic conditions that cause one category of assets, or one particular security, to perform very well often cause another asset category, or another particular security, to perform poorly. If you invest more than 20% of your retirement savings in any one company or industry, your savings may not be properly diversified. Although diversification is not a guarantee against loss, it is an effective strategy to help you manage investment risk.

In deciding how to invest your retirement savings, you should take into account all of your assets, including any retirement savings outside of the Plan. No single approach is right for everyone because, among other factors, individuals have different financial goals, different time horizons for meeting their goals, and different tolerances for risk.

It is also important to periodically review your investment portfolio, your investment objectives, and the investment options under the Plan to help ensure that your retirement savings will meet your retirement goals. For more information regarding individual investing and diversification, see the internet website of the U.S. Department of Labor at www.dol.gov/ebsa/investing.html.

The cumulative effect of fees and expenses can substantially reduce the growth of your retirement savings. Visit the Department of Labor's website for an example showing the long-term effect of fees and expenses at www.dol.gov/ebsa/publications/401k_employee.html. Fees and expenses are only one of many factors to consider when you decide to invest in an alternative.

Performance data shown represents past performance and is no guarantee of future results. Investment return and principal value will fluctuate, so investors may have a gain or loss when shares are sold. Current performance may be higher or lower than what is quoted, and investors should visit www.eip.net for most recent month-end performance.